
An enlargement of the male breast is called gynecomastia in medical terms. This can even reach the extent of the forming of a female breast shape. A physiological change of the breast can be found in puberty. Spontaneous remission often occurs here. However, if the female breast shape remains this can be felt as very troubling.
Following a detailed consultation and examination, first of all the causes of the gynecomastia can be determined.
If it is found to be excessive breast tissue and an untypical accumulation of fat, these can be treated individually with different surgical methods.

Duration of treatment: approx. 1 hour
Anaesthetic: general anaesthetic
Length of stay: none
Scars: visible
Presentability: approx. 1-2 weeks
Price: approx. 3000€

Flavia Deutscher Fachaerztin fuer Plastische und Aesthetische Chirurgie
Driesener Str. 20A, 10439 Berlin, Deutschland
+49(0)179 140 49 82